Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mommy... What is puberty??

You know.... I really appreciate these shows that are supposed to be shows about kids for kids and they have to throw around words like puberty.  Really??  Could they not find a better way to get a laugh??  My child is 8 and I'm sure she is of average age of the kids who watch this.  How many 8 yo's know exactly what puberty is and are comfortable enough to laugh at this joke of a child saying "I'm not looking forward to puberty!"

Again, I say REALLY??   I know we are supposed to (and I do) talk to our children about the whole sex thing and what their bodies are going to be going through... does it have to shoved down their throats??  Our throats??  If she were watching a teen show or grown up show I'd understand.... but again... REALLY??

So I explain that to her simply that it's the process that her body is already going through that takes her from a child to a young lady.   Oh, OK!!  IMO... when the audience has to ask for the joke to be explained, a  lot of the laughter is lost!

It really wasn't that painful, nor embarrassing... I just get annoyed when the writers for these kids shows can't keep it age appropriate!  What ever happened to farts being funny.... people tripping... slippy fingers that drops a bunch of stuff...pies in the face... all of these things are way funnier to any 8yo than the word puberty!

On a different note... it's Thursday night... and I'm building up the courage to say "it's time" if I have to!!  I know that I'll get more and more comfortable asking for what I need... but I have to say... code words make it a bit less stressful!!  I used to think that if I had to remind S for the promised spanking that he didn't really want to do it or wasn't really into ttwd.

Apparently I was wrong.  S told me that he really is into this lifestyle... likes being "the boss" he just forgets.  He says he doesn't forget me, he just forgets the spanking and he really does want me to remind him... seems like that might be my first "rule".


  1. Glad the code is working for you. I told my husband recently that I needed something only he could give me. He thought it was sex. Shoulda seen his face when I said "Nah, that's not it." LOL!!

    1. Oh Rogue... that is hilarious! Tell him that yeah, maybe after what I was really needing! LOL

      Yeah code seems to be working... we may end up creating a whole new language!! *giggling*

  2. I'm with you about these tv shows. The things my kids have picked up from television...ack! I hope things go well tonight! It seems that the two of you are feeling more in sync these days and that's a good thing. :)

    1. We are doing better... and you guys do too! It's always nice to feel the connection that this lifestyle offers!! ((hugs))

  3. Mikki,

    I know what you mean about tv shows. A while back we got some Beverly Hillbillies episodes on DVD and our kids LOVE them...they were just laughing and laughing. Sometimes the old shows are much better.


    P.S. Good luck with your code words.

    1. Oh, the old stuff is so much funnier.. I can remember when I was my kids age and my grandma wouldn't let us watch "Threes Company" because it's "trash" OMGoodness if she were alive and could see what they have now the TV would never even be in her house these days!

      Thank you for your kind words... ((hugs))

  4. Yes, absolutely agree that these type of shows suck. The only way to get the message across is to not watch. If their viewer ratings hit the deck, they know viewers don't like it. Your only power is the! switch off! Or, I guess write to the tv station with a complaint...if they got enough, they might get the message, and its easy enough these days to email them!

    Re: the lifestyle, glad you guys have found a system that works for you! xxxxxxxxx

    1. You are so right and now that show is on our "no watch" list. There are several kid shows that they aren't allowed to watch. I'm sure there will be more...

      Yeah, the code is working wonderfully. Thank you! ((hugs))

  5. I have to say I wonder where all the good, moralistic and dare I say 'wholesome' kids programmes have went from when I was growing up. Children are just that, children.
    Glad your new language is working for you :) For me being a spanko, I just cannot comprehend how anyone can forget to spank lol! But they do, so I'm thinking maybe I should be starting a new language too......... if I can bring myself to.

    Dee x

    1. I have to say... it has take a long time to get the nerve up to ask for what I need... and code is the only way I can do it. I don't know... I'm almost thinking that it's either the shame that is put on being spanked that makes it so hard or the shame of actually admitting that I need something... I've always been so independent and up until this new lifestyle, have never really admitted that I need help.

      You can ask for what you need... you just have to be VERY SPECIFIC!! He's a man... remember that they think so much differently than we do!!

  6. Replies
    1. It was almost hard to crack as the Davinci Code! LOL

  7. Things like that show make me glad my kids are older. Though Musicman is fond of saying "little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems." I hate it when he is right, lol.

    I need to get me a code word, or in this case a code phrase.

    1. I hate that he is right too... but he is. I have one little one an one bigger one... not sure which one is worse! LOL

      As far as the code goes... the way we are going we are going to end up with a whole dang dictionary! ((hugs))

  8. Using a code or phrase to get the point across without directly asking for it is SO much easier. I hate asking for a spanking. And men do just forget things. They also don't always pick up on hints. I've walked past my husband in nothing but a thong. It apparently was still too subtle. LOL.

  9. OMGoodness... the exact same thing happened to me, only for me it was a pink teddy, was trying to get his attention... walked between him and the TV... he bobbed his head as though and unknown object was in the way!! That was years ago... and I threw the teddy away!! Dang men! LOL

    Most definitely too subtle!! LOL
